1. 没有农业农村现代化,就没有整个国家现代化。在现代化进程中,如何处理好工农关系、城乡关系,在一定程度上决定着现代化的成败。
Without modernizing agriculture and rural areas, we will not be able to achieve modernization of the country as a whole. To a certain extent, how we balance the relationships between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas will determine whether the modernization drive succeeds or fails.
2. 从世界各国现代化历史看,有的国家没有处理好工农关系、城乡关系,农业发展跟不上,农村发展跟不上,农产品供应不足,不能有效吸纳农村劳动力,大量失业农民涌向城市贫民窟,乡村和乡村经济走向凋敝,工业化和城镇化走入困境,甚至造成社会动荡,最终陷入“中等收入陷阱”。
Looking at other countries’ experience in modernization, there are those that failed to strike the right balance in these relationships, which led to lagging rural and agricultural development and insufficient supply of agricultural products. With agriculture unable to absorb the rural labor force, massive numbers of unemployed rural migrants flooded into urban slums in these countries, their rural areas and rural economies teetered toward depression and industrialization and urbanization fell into dire straits, consequently even leading to social unrest and ultimately getting caught in the middle income trap.
3. 改革开放以来,我们依靠农村劳动力、土地、资金等要素,快速推进工业化、城镇化,城镇面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。
Since the launch of reform and opening up, we have achieved rapid progress in industrialization and urbanization with the backing of factors including rural labor, land, and capital, thus bringing vast changes to urban areas.
4. 当前,我国正处于正确处理工农关系、城乡关系的历史关口。新中国成立后,在当时的历史条件和国际环境下,我们自力更生,依靠农业农村支持,在一穷二白的基础上推进工业化,建立起比较完整的工业体系和国民经济体系。
We are now at a key historical juncture in our efforts to properly balance the relationships between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas. After the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949, we were forced by the historical context and international environment at the time to rely on ourselves and rest on the support of agriculture and rural areas as we pushed forward industrialization from a foundation of utter destitution. During this process, we gradually built up fairly sound systems for industry and the national economy.
5. 这些年,我国农业连年丰产,农民连年增收,农村总体和谐稳定。
Over the years, we have seen harvests and rural incomes continuously grow, while rural areas have remained harmonious and stable overall.