

2024.01.26 18:11:27

1. 同时,我们也要看到,同快速推进的工业化、城镇化相比,我国农业农村发展步伐还跟不上。

At the same time, however, we must recognize that agricultural and rural development has been outpaced by the rapid advancement of industrialization and urbanization.


2. 我们下决心调整工农关系、城乡关系,采取了一系列举措推动“工业反哺农业、城市支持农村”。

We have adopted a series of measures to encourage the industrial sector to reciprocate the help that the agricultural sector contributed to its development and promote the provision of support from urban areas to rural areas, in our resolve to adjust the relationships between industry and agriculture and between urban and rural areas.


3. 在现代化进程中,城的比重上升,乡的比重下降,是客观规律。

It is an objective law that over the course of modernization, cities take up a larger share while the share of rural areas declines.


4. 现在,全国主要农作物耕种收综合机械化水平已超过65%,农业科技进步贡献率超过57%,主要农产品人均占有量均超过世界平均水平,农产品供给极大丰富。

Now, the rate of mechanization in the plowing, sowing, and harvesting of major crops throughout the country is over 65 percent, the contribution of technological advances to growth in agricultural production is over 57 percent, and output of major agricultural products per capita has surpassed the world average, with these products in abundant supply. 


5. 我国人多地少矛盾十分突出,户均耕地规模仅相当于欧盟的四十分之一、美国的四百分之一。

The problem of limited land in relation to population is extremely pronounced in China, with the average amount of arable land per rural household equivalent to 2.5 percent of that in the EU, and just 0.25 percent of that in the US.


6. 要在实行自治和法治的同时,注重发挥好德治的作用,推动礼仪之邦、优秀传统文化和法治社会建设相辅相成。

While practicing self-governance and law-based governance, we should also lay stress on effectively exerting the role of virtue in governance, using China’s qualities as a land of ceremony and propriety with rich cultural traditions to complement the development of a law-based society and vice versa.


7. 人才振兴是乡村振兴的基础,要创新乡村人才工作体制机制,充分激发乡村现有人才活力,把更多城市人才引向乡村创新创业。

Since the invigoration of talent represents the foundation for rural vitalization, we should introduce new systems and mechanisms in this regard, tapping into existing rural talent while also attracting more urban entrepreneurs and innovators to rural areas.

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