
Notice about 2020 10th Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling

2020.08.06 19:29:11

Every institutes of higher education:

       2020 Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling (hereinafter referred to as contest) is held by the Beijing Society of Image and Graphics and the Organizing Committee of Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling and School of Mathematics. We welcome institutes of higher education organize students to participate in the contest in accordance with the competition constitution and the relevant provisions.

1. The contest of 2020 begins at 6AM on Thursday November 26 and ends at 9AM on Monday November 30 in Beijing time.

2. The contest lasts for 4 days. A team may consist of two or three students and is open to all full-time undergraduate students. All the teams must be registed before 12AM Beijing time on November 25, 2020. And after this time, you can’t modify your team information.

3. The team member can be from different schools. And you must fill in the school’s full name of each student and advisor completely.

4. Contest is divided into undergraduate group, junior college student group and graduate student group. When you register, please choose the group according to the highest academic qualifications in your team.

5. We have no requirement about the amount of team from the same institute of higher education. The Organizing Committee will determine the number of first, second, third prize based on the registration condition (about 5%, 15%, 25% of the total number of successful participating teams). Excellent teams will enjoy other awards provided by the Organizing Committee. Please see 《Detailed rules for rewards of mathematical modeling contest for college students in Asia Pacific region》for reference.

6. We have two contest problems (A problem and B problem). They are practical problems coming from engineering and management, statistics and other areas with the appropriate simplified.

7. APMCM is an all-electronic submission! You are not required to mail a print copy of your Solution Paper. And the Solution Paper must be written in English.

8. For institutes of higher education who organize students to register, please email the registration sheet to the mail of Organizing Committee (apmcm@mathor.com), and the registration fee can be submitted to the public account of Mathematician (School of Mathematics) web site. Please see《The notice to colleges for group registration for the 2020 Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling 》for reference.

9. The contest problems will become available on two web sites (http://www.apmcm.org, http://www.bsig.org.cn ) when the contest begins, we will not post the problems in written form.

10. For more details, please log in our registration web site and view the relevant notice of the Organizing Committee.

Notice about 2020 Asia and Pacific Mathematical Contest in Modeling.pdf

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